Take Your Child to the Library Day

Come celebrate with us! From animals to stories, music and crafts, check out what your local libraries have to offer on Take Your Child to the Library Day!
Groundhog Scavenger Hunt at EHFPL, 9-1pm ~ Find all the groundhogs hidden throughout the library and pick a prize from the treasure chest. Drop in anytime between 9-1pm, no registration needed.
Animals From Merryweather Farm at Rathbun, 10-10:45am ~ Merryweather Farm, a local rescue in town, will be here with some bunnies and Guinea pigs. Come learn what they eat, how they stay warm in the winter and get a chance to feed and pet them! No registration required, we hope to see you there!
Storytime & Craft at EHFPL, 11-11:30am ~ Come enjoy a story with a fun craft to go with it!
Music with Ms. Chelsea at Rathbun, 11:30-12pm ~ Join us for “Music with Ms. Chelsea” for singing, dancing, and fun! Perfect for preschool and elementary kids, this energetic class builds confidence, creativity, and coordination. Come wiggle, sing, play and have fun. No registration required.